Model No: 600/WS300-1002

Pallet Weigh Scale

CM Process Solutions range of pallet scales are commonly used within the food production industry to safely allow the operator to weigh products on either plastic or stainless-steel pallets.

CM Process Solutions range of pallet scales are commonly used within the food production industry to safely allow the operator to weigh products on either plastic or stainless-steel pallets.

The pallet scale is manufactured from 304 grade stainless steel and is a crevice free construction allowing the operator to easily clean the pallet scale down in place as and when required, the pallet is simply loaded on to the scale locators by means of a pallet jack or forklift truck, the pallet then simply sits on and puts pressure on four downward facing weigh beams that give a consistent and accurate reading.

The weigh scale incorporates a stainless-steel load cell and a Mettler Toledo IND 236 weigh head terminal.

Our range of stainless-steel pallet scales have many benefits, including a hygienic easy to clean sanitary design and thy are also designed to eliminate the need for un-hygienic hard to clean floor pits and ramps that fork lift trucks commonly drive over and damage load cells.

Product Features

2200lb max capacity304 Stainless SteelCustom Carriage 2HygienicMains OperatedStainless Steel CylinderWeigh Head Options
  • 304 Grade stainless steel construction.
  • Free standard unit or mobile design eliminates the need for floor pits or ramps.
  • Ideal solution for weighing a standard or non-standard pallets.
  • 2200lb load capacity.
  • Metter Toledo display head and load cell.
  • Crevice free design allows quick and easy clean down.
  • Bead blast finish.
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