Model No: DC20

Vat, Bin And Tote Washer

The DC20 Vat and Tote Washer is a cabinet design washing machine, which is designed to wash stainless steel dump buggies, custom vats, plastic totes, bins, or any other bulk product containers. Our efficient and versatile design allows for different types of containers to be washed and handled within a common machine.

The DC20 Vat and Tote Washer is a cabinet design washing machine, which is designed to wash stainless steel dump buggies, custom vats, plastic totes, bins, or any other bulk product containers. Our efficient and versatile design allows for different types of containers to be washed and handled within a common machine.

Operational Design

The soiled vat or dump buggy is simply loaded within the cradle of the machine and, once initiated by means of a push button, is then loaded within the wash chamber of the machine.

Various wash programs can be selected on the HMI of the main control panel, which allow the containers with varying degrees of contamination to be washed.

The internal surfaces of the container are washed by means of a rotating stainless steel ball valve. The external surfaces of the container are cleaned by our innovative travel jet pressure washer system, which oscillates forwards and backwards within the inside of the wash chamber with hot water and chemical that is re-circulated from the wash tank. Once complete, the clean totes can be removed from the machine.

Rinse Cycle

The DC20 Combination Vat and Tote Washer is supplied with a two-stage rinse. The first being a hot water rinse at 185°F supplied from a separate tank via a pump, and the second being a cold water rinse with a sanitizer chemical additive pumped from a separate rinse tank.

The machine can be selected to run the hot water rinse followed immediately by the cold water chemical rinse, or it can be selected to run either rinse as a standalone cycle.

Automatic Chemical Dosing System

The DC20 is fitted with an automatic chemical dosing system which can be set up to work from a conductivity probe housed in the wash tank, or alternatively it can be set up on a timed dose basis.

Our machines are designed to be used with caustic chemicals as standard.

Manual Design

If you are looking for a more simplistic apparatus to clean your larger vats, bins, and totes, consider our heavy duty vat wash tilter. These pieces of equipment take up less space in your facility but require more labor to complete the cleaning process.

Safety Features

Our range of industrial washing machines are designed with numerous safety features as standard, such as electrical interlocked doors, emergency stop push buttons, and a remote control operator station which can be mounted either on the wall or on a pedestal within the vicinity of the machine.

The heated rinse tank is double skinned as standard to protect the operator from burns.

Sanitary Design

The DC20 Tote Bin Washer is built using all the hygienic principles applied to all our equipment thus eliminating potential bacteria and pathogen breeding traps.

Customized Solutions

As with all our cleaning equipment, we can customize our washers to your specific needs. All of our machines can be integrated with a range of options to wash different types of totes, bins, buggies, trays, or tanks.

Contact Brian - Industrial Washing Machines Sales Manager

Brian Meyer is available to discuss your individual product needs regarding Industrial washing systems. Do you need to discuss system possibilities and gain in-depth knowledge about the best solutions?

Brian has over 20 years technical experience with industrial washing systems and is our go to authority for ideas and practical answers. Feel free to reach out to him to set and schedule an appointment.

Product Features

304 Stainless SteelAdjustable TimesChemical Auto DosingCustom CarriageHeating OptionsHigh Flow SS PumpsHigh Temp RinseHygienicRe Circulated Hot RinseRe Circulated Hot WashScreen FiltrationSS FanWater Saving
  • Stainless steel construction.
  • Electric steam or gas heating.
  • Multiple wash programs.
  • Hot water re-circulated wash.
  • Multiple rinse options.
  • Dedicated powered hot water rinse at 185F from separate rinse tank.
  • Dedicated powered cold-water rinse with sanitizer chemical dosing unit from separate tank.
  • Sustained jetting.
  • Electrical Interlocked doors.
  • Chemical dosing system.
  • Touchscreen controlled.
  • Stainless steel extract fan.
  • Standard removable drawer type filters or optional automatic removal feature.
  • AB control gear.
  • Up to 15 cycles per hour dependent on the level of soiling and operator work rate.

Looking for a manual wash frame solution?

If you are looking for a more simplistic apparatus to clean your larger vats, bins, and totes, consider our heavy duty vat wash tilter. These pieces of equipment take up less space in your facility but require more labor to complete the cleaning process.

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