The Single Buggy Solution

CM Process Solutions have developed a complete range of material handling equipment designed to be used with the standard 400 lb. (200 liter) and 600 lb. (300 liter) DIN 9797 Euro style buggies that are used in the food processing industry and commonly referred to as v mag buggies, v edge buggies, meat trolleys, tote bins or simply dump buggies.

What is The Single Buggy Solution?

CM Process Solutions have developed a complete range of material handling equipment designed to be used with the standard 400 lb. (200 liter) and 600 lb. (300 liter) DIN 9797 dump buggies that are used in the food processing industry and commonly referred to as v mag buggies, v edge buggies, meat trolleys, tote bins or simply dump buggies.

Our range of material handling equipment is designed to offer a complete solution for weighing, mixing and transferring product around the production areas with minimal input, followed by washing and storing of the v mag carts after the process.

The range includes a dump buggy weigh scale, buggy racking, dump buggy tumbler, single column dumpers or buggy tipper or tilter followed by a washing solution, be it an automatic dump buggy washer or manual buggy wash frame.

The single dump buggy solution helps streamline production and offers increased hygiene and sanitation benefits, because only one buggy is used for the entire process giving the producer more control, it also means that only one v edge buggy is emptied and washed at the end of the process, this in turn means that the ingredients and product within the dump buggy have minimal exposure to the risk of cross contamination caused by multiple buggy transfers that could bring them in contact with foreign bodies, residue waste or food allergens such as gluten, lactose or peanuts.

A lot of the bulk handling and time consuming labor intensive processes can have negative effects on the productivity and the morale of staff, coupled with the risk of employees suffering from potential  musculoskeletal injuries caused by repetitive lifting and moving of dump buggies.

As one of our customers recently said utilizing equipment form the Single Dump Buggy Solution would be cheaper than a workers comp claim and increase productivity on the factory floor.

Dump Buggy Racking

A modular dump buggy racking system that offers up to three times more storage capacity and improved batch control, that can be installed in bespoke layouts designed to suit specific applications. Compatible with our dump buggy stacker that can safely lift and manoeuvre buggies.

Dump Buggy Weigh Scales

Manufactured from stainless steel for hygienic environments, CM Process Solutions dump buggy weigh scales are designed to be fitted retrospectively; eliminating the need for floor pits and ramps, whilst still maintaining a high level of accuracy.Mobile and static product options available.

Dump Buggy Tumbler

Ideal for marinating, coating and infusing ingredients, this high capacity dump buggy mixer is designed for both 400 lb. & 600 lb. dump buggies. The tumbler combines a product vacuum with bi-directional rotation to thoroughly mix product, whilst minimising the risk of product damage.

Dump Buggy Tipper

This dump buggy tipper is designed to eliminate manual handling in the process of lifting and emptying buggies to their desired location which increases efficiency and also reduces the risk of injury to staff. The tipper is able to accommodate 400 lb. & 600 lb. dump buggies.

Dump Buggy Lifters

Lift dump buggies up to a platform or second level using the versatile single column lifter. Designed to increase efficiency and eliminate manual handling from the lifting process. Compatible with both 400 lb & 600 lb dump buggies. This lift and dump model suits a number of different applications.

Dump Buggy Wash Frame

Allowing for 360° cleaning access wash frames help to reduce manual handling and the risk of damage to the dump buggy, whilst improving throughput and hygienic practices. As your production and washing requirements increase, we have an extensive industrial washer range of products.
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