Model No: 600/BS2-1000

Stainless Steel Dump Buggy Stacker

CM Process Solutions dump buggy stacker allows for the safe lifting, maneuvering, and stacking of 400 lb. (200 liter) and 600 lb. (300 liter) meat trolleys, commonly known as dump buggies, Euro style buggies, v mag trolleys, v edge buggies and tote bins within the CM Process Solutions modular dump buggy racking.

CM Process Solutions dump buggy stacker allows for the safe lifting, maneuvering, and stacking of 400 lb. (200 liter) and 600 lb. (300 liter) meat trolleys, commonly known as dump buggies, Euro style buggies, v mag trolleys, v edge buggies and tote bins within the CM Process Solutions modular dump buggy racking.

Operational Design

The dump buggy stacker is a stainless-steel mobile unit with locally mounted raise/lower operator controls, the stacker is powered by a battery mounted within the machine’s construction providing an electro -hydraulic operation, a visual health indicator is fitted on the machine which gives indication of the health of the battery.

The machine comes complete separate 110v charger and lead.

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Operational Safety

As with all of the equipment CM Process Solutions offer, our dump buggy stacker is designed with operator safety in mind with risk assessments thoroughly conducted on each product we offer and supply.

A number of safety features are incorporated to ensure the safe and efficient use of our dump buggy stackers, features like low level positioning guides and distance stops are fitted to ensure safe and correct positioning of the v mag trolley within the modular racking system.

The unit is fully mobile with braked swivel steering castors fitted to the rear, the stacker reduces the risk of injury caused through manual handling operations.

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Sanitary Design

Here at CM Process Solutions, we recognize that one of the biggest concerns and challenges in the food processing industry is sanitation, all of our machines and designs are constantly evaluated to ensure we are on top of best practices, our dump buggy stackers are no different.

Our dump buggy stackers are hygienically designed and manufactured from 304 grade stainless steel, and built to IP65 standards making them suitable for the food processing industry.

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Aftersales And Spare Parts

We understand there are many options and choices for our customers when selecting equipment, here at CM Process Solutions we believe in long term partnerships and ensuring that our customers have complete faith in our product offerings, to support our customers we keep a constant critical supply of components at our Winchester location, however we do recommend the purchase of simple critical spare parts list so that in the event a wearable item fails the dump buggy stacker can easily be placed back into production with little disruption to production.

Whether its requirement of spare parts, equipment breakdowns, training, or maintenance, you can rest assured that we at CM Process Solutions are readily available to provide additional support as and when its required.

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Come test with us

CM Process Solutions dedicated 6000 sq feet showroom is located just outside of Lexington KY in the beautiful bluegrass and horse country, we have many different solutions for customers to come, view, run trials and tests on our dump buggy related equipment and see the complete single dump buggy solution in operation, giving you the confidence to see the results firsthand before making that decision.

Alternatively, if you cannot make that trip then we can do a trial with or without your product and send video documentation of the performance.

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Product Features

12v304 Stainless SteelHygienicPositioning GuidesWheel Locators
  • Stainless steel 304 grade construction.
  • Designed to handle both 400 lb. & 600 lb. Euro style buggies.
  • Battery operated electrohydraulic operation.
  • Visual battery health indicator.
  • Push to operate raise/lower buttons.
  • Ergonomic design for easy maneuvering.
  • Fully mobile with braked swivel castors to rear.

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