Pneumatic Dump Buggy Weigh Scales

CM Process Solutions has developed a range of weighing solutions for the industry standard DIN 9797 400 lb. (200 liter) and 600 lb. (300 liter) stainless steel dump buggies commonly known as Euro style buggies, v-mag carts, tote bins, dump buggies or simply v-edge buggies.

Configure your Pneumatic Dump Buggy Weigh Scale

Mobile Weigh Scale With Castors
Mobile Weigh Scale With Castors
Static Weigh Scale With Adjustable Feet
Static Weigh Scale With Adjustable Feet
Clear selection

CM Process Solutions has developed a range of weighing solutions for the industry standard DIN 9797 400 lb. (200 liter) and 600 lb. (300 liter) stainless steel dump buggies commonly known as Euro style buggies, v-mag carts, tote bins, dump buggies or simply v-edge buggies.

Operational Design

Our range of dump buggy scales are designed to be an effective and hygienic solution for weighing a range of ingredients and bulk food products prior to further processing and are commonly used in low or high care RTE (ready to eat) food manufacturing plants.

The dump buggy scales can be supplied in both a mobile or stationary version allowing them to be either secured in place or easily moved to different locations around the food production facility.

Load Capacity And Weigh Head Terminal

Both scales are designed to lift and weigh a maximum capacity of 771 lbs. and can handle both the 400 lb. & 600 lb. stainless steel dump buggy’s, the weigh head display is a Mettler Toledo IND 236 with available functions such as gross, note and tare.

A stainless-steel load cell is positioned within the hygienic open construction of the scale.

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Increased Productivity And Safety

Our scales have been designed to improve health and safety within the workplace by removing the need to push a fully loaded 400 lb. or 600 lb. stainless steel dump buggy up a rubber hazardous ramp onto a floor scale. Our design helps eliminate the needs for potential slips and trips.

The operator simply loads the dump buggy into the lifting arm and then presses the raise button, which activates the pneumatic cylinder and lifts the dump buggy from the floor. The weight is then recorded on the terminal display head. Once complete, the operator then presses the button and the dump buggy lowers back down to the floor level allowing the operator to remove the dump buggy and take it on to further processing.

Sanitary And Food Contact Safety

The scale is constructed and manufactured from 304 grade stainless steel and is designed with an open continuously welded construction. This allows for the scale to be completely cleaned in place, making it easily accessible compared to a conventional rubber style ramp design scale, which needs to be completely removed to be cleaned on the underside.

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After Sales And Spare Parts

We understand there are many options and choices for our customers when selecting a piece of equipment, here at CM Process Solutions we believe in long term partnerships and ensuring our customers have complete faith in our product offerings. To support our customers we keep a constant critical supply of spare parts and components at our location in Winchester Kentucky.

However, we do recommend the purchase of a simple critical spare parts list.That way, in the event that a wearable item needs replacement, such as a load cell or roller, then the dump buggy scale can be easily placed back into operation with little disruption to production.

Whether it’s a requirement for spare parts, equipment breakdowns, training, or maintenance, you can rest assured that we at CM Process Solutions stand ready to provide additional support as and when it’s needed.

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All Things Dump Buggy Related

CM Process Solutions is a one stop shop for all your stainless-steel dump buggy related equipment. We offer solutions for storing, mixing, lifting and dumping, tilting and washing, all of which is categorized in our single dump buggy solution. For more information contact us at CM Process Solutions and learn how we can streamline and increase the efficiency and the product of your process.

Come Test With Us

CM Process Solutions dedicated 6000 sq feet showroom is located just outside of Lexington KY in the beautiful bluegrass and horse country. We have many different dump buggy related solutions for customers to come view and run trials on, giving you the confidence to see the results firsthand before making that decision.

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Product Features

304 Stainless Steel400-600 LB Dump Buggy775lb max capacityCustom CarriageHygienicMains OperatedWeigh Head Options
  • 304 Grade stainless steel construction.
  • Free standard unit or mobile design eliminates the need for floor pits or ramps.
  • Pneumatically controlled.
  • Ideal solution for weighing 400 lb. & 600 lb. Euro style buggies.
  • Mettler-Toledo display head and load cell.
  • Crevice free design allows quick and easy clean down.
  • Bead blast finish.


There are many benefits to using one of our scales, firstly hygiene, I’m sure at the end of the shift when sanitation come into the plant they have to remove the platform or lift up the rubber mat to clean the underside, this is a labor extensive and in some instances hard to clean, plus with the added concern that the operator has not cleaned under the scale or the pit thoroughly.

Our dump buggy scale is simply sat on the floor and is designed with a hygienic open construction design allowing it to be cleaned in place making it a quick and efficient process.

Secondly how many times has a forklift truck or pallet truck rode over the platform or mat damaging the load cells? With our design this doesn’t happen, the load cell is positioned at the back of the scale towards the base and is fully cleanable.

Our dump buggy scale requires a 110 V single phase supply and a pneumatic air supply at 6 bar (87 psi) clean and filtered.

Our v-mag carts are designed to the industry standard DIN 9797, if you have brought your dump buggies from a reputable machine manufacturer there is good possibility your dump buggies will be made to the DIN 9797 standard and interface with our dump buggy scale. Unfortunately, over the years we have seen many examples of food processing plants ordering a piece of equipment say a dumper or dump buggy storage racking only for that said equipment to arrive on site and their buggies not interfacing with the machinery supplied. Below is are illustrations of a 400 lb. (200 liter) and 600 lb. (300 liter) v-mag style dump buggy along with the critical dimensions and tolerances.
400lb Euro Buggy SizingEuro Buggy Sizing Base
600lb Euro Buggy SizingEuro Buggy Sizing Base
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