Stainless Steel Double Column Mixing Bowl Lifter

CM Process Solutions double column mixing bowl lifter is designed to safely raise and tip a range of industrial mixing bowls with varying weights and heights to suit a range of various applications, the integration of a double column lifter can increase productivity and efficiency by saving labor when dumping various products into production machinery.

CM Process Solutions double column mixing bowl lifter is designed to safely raise and tip a range of industrial mixing bowls with varying weights and heights to suit a range of various applications, the integration of a double column lifter can increase productivity and efficiency by saving labor when dumping various products into production machinery.

Operational Design

Our column dumpers can be supplied to suit individual tipping needs, its twin column designs ensures support with higher tipping heights and the machine can be supplied fully automatic with a whole range of customized solutions to accommodate tip angles, tip heights and different styles of chute arrangements to integrate the dumper with a whole range of production equipment.

Safety Features

As with all our machines the double column lifter is designed with safety in mind with risk assessments thoroughly conducted on each product we offer and supply.

The double column lifter is fully guarded with electrical interlocked magnetic switches fitted on the doors as standard, a double set of limit switches mounted at the top of the machine protects against overall travel on the raise, and a double set of overtravel limit switches mounted at the base of the column prevents against overtravel on the lower.

As the doors to the loading carriage are electrical interlocked, the machine has an emergency stop push-button mounted inside that if an operator has the doors closed on them accidently, the machine can be safely isolated.

A chain break mechanism prevents the mixing bowl from falling in the unlikely event of a chain failure.

Sanitary Design

Our double column lifters are designed with hygienic sanitary principles in mind, the lifter is manufactured from 304 grade stainless steel, the construction of the double column lifter allows for easy and effective cleaning.

Customized Solutions

As with all of our equipment we can customize our equipment to your specific individual needs, all of our machines can be integrated with a range of feed or transfer solutions or specific styles of chutes, for more information regarding your needs please don’t hesitate to contact us at CM Process Solutions.

Product Features

304 Stainless Steel3300lb max capacityCustom CarriageHygienicMains OperatedMax 55 Tipping AngleStainless Steel Cylinder
  • Fully guarded stainless steel sheet systems and electrical interlocked doors.
  • Transfer chutes, carriages and tip heights designed to suit application.
  • 3,300 lbs working capacity with a lifting speeds of 19.68 feet per minute.
  • Custom carriage designs for vats, combos or large bulk product containers.
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