Model No: 600/DD TANK

Stainless Steel Heavy-Duty Vat Wash Tilter

CM Process Solutions range of heavy-duty wash frames offer a complete and safe solution that are specifically designed for use when washing large heavy-duty bulk product containers, such as stainless-steel vats, plastic combos, pallecon boxes or any other large bulk product container.

CM Process Solutions range of heavy-duty wash frames offer a complete and safe solution that are specifically designed for use when washing large heavy-duty bulk product containers, such as stainless-steel vats, plastic combos, pallecon boxes or any other large bulk product container.

Streamlined Operational Design

Our vat washing system is designed to facilitate the safe and efficient cleaning of large bulk product containers that are commonly used in the food and meat processing sectors.

Manufactured from 304 grade stainless steel, the wash frame is electronically controlled by a set of push buttons, which when pressed initiate the direct drive motor. A carriage arm rotates and lifts the containers clear from the washroom floor at a position approximately 10° from horizontal. This gives the operator complete access to perform the manual cleaning process with a hose or pressure washer and allows sediment, residue wash water, and detergent to easily drain away.

Operational Safety

CM Process Solutions range of vat washers are designed with operator safety at the forefront of our minds. Many food and meat processing plants have implemented one of our stainless-steel heavy-duty wash frames. This helps to not only prevent employees from suffering repetitive injuries when trying to handle the stainless-steel vat or plastic dolav, but also prevents damage to the vat or the washroom floor.

Our wash frames are designed with no knit or trap points where a finger could get caught. The units are mounted on a heavy-duty stainless-steel wash frame which can also be supplied mobile if required.

Sanitary Design and Food Contact Safety

All CM Process Solutions equipment is evaluated constantly to ensure the latest sanitary design principles are implemented. The heavy-duty wash frame is manufactured from 304 grade stainless steel, which allows for a caustic chemical or detergent to be used when washing the machine.

Contact Brian - Industrial Washing Machines Sales Manager

Brian Meyer is available to discuss your individual product needs regarding Industrial washing systems. Do you need to discuss system possibilities and gain in-depth knowledge about the best solutions?

Brian has over 20 years technical experience with industrial washing systems and is our go to authority for ideas and practical answers. Feel free to reach out to him to set and schedule an appointment.

Product Features

304 Stainless SteelCustom CarriageHygienicMains OperatedMax 100 Tilting AnglePositioning Guides
  • Stainless steel 304 grade construction.
  • Heavy duty design.
  • Maximum 1100 lb. lifting capacity.
  • Mains powered operation.
  • Custom carriage design to accommodate various styles of tanks and vessels.

Looking for an automatic design?

The DC20 Vat and Tote Washer is a cabinet design washing machine designed to wash stainless steel dump buggies, custom vats, totes, bins, or any other bulk product containers. Our efficient and versatile design allows for different types of containers to be washed and handled within a common machine.

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